Gingi twitter

Gingi (@Gingitv) / Twitter

Click to Follow Gingitv. Gingi. @Gingitv. 5x MDI World Champion, WF Raider … I deleted my last tweet since It started too much negativity towards Liquid.

gingi (@gingi100k) / Twitter

gingi. @gingi100k. Creative x Comp|M&K on Pc| … In 24 hours I’m going to give one random person that retweets this tweet $10,000 in Bitcoin!

MissAvantasia – Twitter

It would be a lie to say this year was an easy one, -but together can we move mountains, you and me! I love you so much! ❤. Image. Gingi.

Gingi (@Jojin97) / Twitter

#GIVEAWAY ⚔️ Calling all warriors! We are giving away the complete Mulan Collection to 3 lucky winners! Check out our IG and FB for another chance to win!

G I N G I JR on Twitter: “Wamepatikana safari hii …

26. jan. 2023 — Yani nyinyi wakusema goingi unasema gona si ndio??? I am finished . 2. 7. G I N G I JR · @AmourGingi.

Gingi (@ItzGingii) / Twitter

Last push: RT to vote your Ravens to the Pro Bowl #ProBowlVote Calais Campbell #ProBowlVote Justin Houston #ProBowlVote Marlon Humphery #ProBowlVote Roquan …

G I N G I JR on Twitter: “This statement “Actually we need to …

This statement “Actually we need to talk” Niseme tu mwendo umeumaliza oga nukia vzr uingie sokoni. 3:09 PM · Nov 6, 2022.

Gingi (@pcolagingi) / Twitter

Damn good teachers who have spent years becoming experts at their craft are broken and breaking and y’all aren’t worried about that enough for me.

Keywords: gingi twitter